There is an interview with me on the Hungarian Provence blog. Krisztina, the owner is a devoted Provence fan, her blog is full with fantastic photos, awesome people and great interviews and posts about country life, gastronomy, other goodies of the life :)
See you soon,
Olvashattok velem egy interjút a Hungarian Provence blogon. Krisztina, a blogger egy elkötelezett Provence-rajongó, a blogja telis-tele van fantasztikus fotókkal, emberekkel és interjúkkal, bejegyzésekkel a jófajta vidéki életről, gasztronómiáról és az élet egyéb jóságairól :)
A mielőbbi viszontlátásig,
So happy to find your blog! Both my parents were from Hungary so I am interested in learning more. Unfortunately, I never learned the language but hopefully, I can learn some words from your blog and the Hungarian Provence blog which I also follow. I am a miniaturist as well and look forward to following your blog.
Welcome among my readers Sandi :)))I'm happy you joined :))
VálaszTörlésI'm sure you will pick up some Hungarian here and on Krisztina's blog :))
Take care,